Visit and Apply to HFS
Selecting the right school for your child is one of the most exciting and important decisions you will make. As a learning community, HFS is dedicated to preparing joyful and inquisitive young minds to carry the light of confidence, critical thinking, creativity, and stewardship in a diverse community of learners.
Consider our website the start of your journey with HFS. We invite you to experience our unique learning community and spirit of Haddonfield Friends School through first exploring our website.
We have witnessed the growth of our children over the years and have seen the wonderful effects of the loving, caring, nurturing environment that is HFS.
The teachers are truly attentive to — and involved in — the well-being and personal and moral growth of the students.
[HFS is] one big group of friends where everyone’s included.
Everyone is understanding and considerate. If you make mistakes, you always have a second chance.
At HFS what I appreciate is the community; how it is easy to talk to and approach teachers, the connection with younger students, and the trust between students, as well as the trust between students and staff.
What I appreciate about HFS is that you really get to go in depth about what you are learning due to the small class sizes.