
Welcome to Haddonfield Friends School!
Thank you for visiting our website. Consider this a glimpse into our enriching learning community here at HFS, where every voice is heard.
I hope this website provides a helpful, authentic introduction to our unique learning community. From hands-on STEM education to monarch butterfly parades, experiential learning opportunities in our historic town/region to original theater works and performances, middle school buddies who mentor our preschoolers to student-led community service projects that come to life all around the globe, I am excited to share the wonderful work happening at our school each and every day. After exploring these pages, I also hope you will take away the same sense of warmth, commitment to community, trust in our exceptional, caring faculty and academic growth that our students and parents consistently cite as the hallmarks of the educational journey here at Haddonfield Friends School.
I am honored and humbled to advance the mission of HFS, as we prepare joyful and inquisitive young minds to carry the light of confidence, critical thinking, creativity, and stewardship in a diverse community of learners. And, I am confident and excited to build upon the legacy of my accomplished predecessors and collaborate with dedicated, passionate, and skilled colleagues, as we all truly have your children’s best interests at heart.
I also encourage you to visit our Facebook Page or Instagram for a deeper dive. I look forward to welcoming you to our campus, learning more about your family, and sharing the exciting journey of growth that is possible here at HFS.
Head of School